Friday, 4 February 2011

Do Ho Suh

Do Ho Suh's 'fallen star' is a brilliant piece. i am fascinated by this piece as it is visually interesting. There is so much going on yet the focus falls onto the small wooden house.  I think fallen star is portraying the way we in a modern society are upgrading to bigger things for example town houses instead of little wood cottages. Yet we still bring something from the rural way of life back into towns and cities.

' staircase' is really beautiful .Just looking at it feels like it dosn't belong in this world. It is so elegant and soft looking. The material it is made from looks like it is a silk or a netting. The staircase seems to be leading nowhere and the steps look really fragile. To me they seem very dreamlike and magical.

This fence made of golden people is beautiful and creates a very powerful presence. I think it represents the world. It also gets you thinking about the meaning as does all of Do Ho Suh's work.
I find this piece very interesting as the shiny shoes and black suit show power, whereas the tiny people holding up the glass floor are all the alike, struggling to hold the floor beneath the man in a suit. I think this is a very political piece and shows the difference between the classes.

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